Sunday, 8 July 2012

The integumentary System

The integument system  includes of the skin and its derivatives, which are the accessory organs of the skin. The skin consists of the epidermis and dermis. The dermis is attached to the underlying hypodermis or subcutis ( subcutaneous tissues), which is composed mostly of adipose tissues and its attached to muscle and bone underneath. The accessory organs of the skin include the sweat, sebaceous and mammary glands, as well as hair or feather follicles, claws, hooves, beak and scales.
Since the skin is the largest organ of the animal's body and cover the animal's exterior , it is subjected to many types of injurious agents. Dermatology is the study of the the skin and its associated disease. The skin must protect the animal from becoming over hydrated during immersion in water, from becoming dehydrated during exposure to heat or sun and from the a variety of bacterial, viral, fungal,and parasitic agents.
  1. Demodectic Mange
When an animal become infested with the mite Demodex canis , this condition is known as demodectic mange. These mite have the ability to burrow into the skin along the hair shafts and to reside around the  hair follicle. This parasite is found almost  all in dogs and some cats.
 The treatment is aimed at getting rid of the mites and the secondary bacterial complications. Usually, as the animal matures, its immune system will also mature and prevent future infestations and secondary infections.

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